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My New 'plummer' Terrier


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A bit of a punt, bought from semi working stock, but the parents and an older sibling had something about them that made me willing to part with my cash.

Not docked but I can live with that.


I would say they are 1/4-1/8th JRT to plummer 9 weeks old. Might be a good example of why not to by non working stock, but hopefully working next year.


The patchy bitch is as sharp as a tack, latched onto a mixie rabbit in the field :icon_eek: always following their noses :D


Very intelligent and picking up commands in a few tries.











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All training has been done on her own, the other lives with my dad and brother. But it funny how quick they forget.   Did some stock breaking today came across some cade lambs:   All good    

She just did a perfect retrieve through cover (ignoring being a bit hard mouthed) sent her and left her to it besides a gentle recall whistle. Emereged 30 seconds later.

Nice to see a thread starting from scratch to hopefully the finished article. Looks a lovely little thing mate.

Cheers, they didn't catch it as much as I placed it somewhere for them to discover. The brown one just pranced at it, the whiter one took one sniff and latched on.


I separated them quickly, it made me jump how fast she went in for it. I just wanted them to have a sniff of what they'll be after, had hells own job to stop them trying to get back into the hedge after it once I had knocked it on the head.


The brown one is about 25% heavier than the white. I reckon the smaller will be about 12" tts and the brown about 14" tts, the dam was about 12" and the sire about 15".

Edited by Tozer
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Hi fella you say they are from semi working stock what do you mean if you dont mind me asking also you have done the right thing getting pups because now you can work on the important stuff recall stock breaking ect. When i got my dog she was just over a year old and had not done much in fact i dont think she had done anything but she is starting too get the hang of it now, my next one is deffo gonna be a pup for the reasons i have just said and also with a pup youre there from the start you can shape it too the way you want it. atb daywalker.

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They advertised them as the dam being from working background, rescuesd from south Wales, she was docked with a couple of small marks to her face (all possibly rubbish). It barely classes as working, but she won't be far removed. The sire was a house pet. Big solid, steady dog with a good head shape to him.



I must admit that I have always taken on dogs as pups you get a dog that works with you better I think, there are always exceptions though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

She's coming along well


New favourite toy is the skins from the rabbits I'd shot.


Ignore the collar, the misses input that one :D


Whats that sound





And one I took for her on the way home from work.





One hell of a nose on her, starting playing games by hiding things, and retrieving welll.

Edited by Tozer
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Lovely pups fella should be just right for next season, had to get a new dog because i lost mine about 3 weeks ago, she put up a deer and tracked it onto a road and was run down. My new one is just over seven months and it is a mixed breed type terrier, she is about 11tts and loves the cover already. Too be honest i think she is a lot more suitable for the places i hunt, the other one as much as i loved her used to struggle with the cover and used to get messed up in no time sometimes she was unable to enter and would just run around whining but i dont think i will have the same trouble with this one with any luck. atb and good luck with the pups daywalker.

Edited by day and night walker
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Sorry to here that. She's a terrier from non working dogs so I'm trying to bring her along as best as I can. Very trainable.for a terrier.

All the signs are good, the Plummer part is in brackets because really she is a mixed breed. Hopefully a lot of years enjoyment and I can be a lad with a dog again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

No point being macho it's a pup, I don't care who you are we all as soft as sh*te with a new pup :thumbs::icon_redface:


She's a friend and company, just making sure she trusts me and building on her training for now.


I'll try and get some pics up of training as I am hitting a couple of problems I've had in the past that I have never learnt how to correct.

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